before we had kids, ryan + i always took the dog for a walk after we got home from work. it became such habit of ours that we didn’t even have to discuss it. we would each come home from work, ask if either was changing clothes, then we’d leash up sweet chipper + head out. these moments remain some of my fondest newlywed memories. we had our favorites: the short loop, the long loop + the scenic loop. sometimes we’d walk, sometimes we’d run, other times we’d bring a beverage along + take it slow.

ryan had started this custom before we met, because of the dog—his dog; it was their thing. when we started dating, i got to join in on their special time + before i knew it, the dog was ours + we were heading out with a baby in tow. i still remember the first walks we took with both of our girls after coming home from the hospital. our chipper-boy was so proud of his litter!

it’s remarkable what being outside can do for each of us; it’s a big part of why i started this blog! but sometimes, it can be difficult to pull away from the regularly scheduled activities or the comfort of our homes. once you experience the many unspoken positives of a walk, the more motivation there is to repeat it often. we love getting outside + taking in nature together, making observations about the weather or different things we see. without all the usual distractions we end up having some very nice discussions or sometimes share laughs after a long day. with a lot of wildlife in our neighborhood we often spot a bunny, a hawk or owl, there’s always something getting our attention! it’s so nice seeing a neighbor or two out also + we’re always wishing we could see more people outside. i challenge you now, to try taking either a morning or evening walk in the next week + simply take note of how you feel, how your dog or your family feels afterwards + what other joys you may get from it. prepare to be amazed when you realize the benefits! this has become a habit of ours that i hope we never quit.

it’s a good wind down time for everyone in our family, two-legs + four-legs alike. we get all our talking out, while the dog gets his sniffs.


i remember when my babies were so little, how i would try to orchestrate everything needed to get out the door, only to have to return inside to frantically change a diaper or grab a forgotten snack or water. after a few months of this i started telling myself, the hardest part is getting out the door. it helped reframe my strategy + i started celebrating the small victories like getting everyone into the car for a quick errand. it became easier with some patience, my newfound perspective + an ounce of planning. our walks are the same now–except our little ones can put their own shoes on + sometimes even help harness the dog. we all meet up in the driveway + then, we’re off. most of the time, it’s not even a discussion. ; ) we eat dinner + then we head out for our wind down. i’m so grateful for these ordinary, seemingly small moments we share like these because one day they’ll mean a lot more than they do now, + i’ll be so glad we made the time to get outside + just take a walk.

from our porch to yours

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